Floor Plan
Outer cabinets (Grey)1-Porifera
2- Cnidaria 3- Cnidaria 4- Platyhelminthes; Nemertea; Nematoda; Lopophorates 5- Mollusca 6- Mollusca 7- Mollusca 8- Annelida 9- Annelida 10- Hemichordata; Chordata 11- Arthropoda 12- Arthropoda 13- Arthropoda 14- Arthropoda 15- Arthropoda 16- Arthropoda 17- Arthropoda 18- Echinodermata |
Inner cabinets (White)19- Fish
20- Reptiles and Amphibians 21- Birds 22- Small Mammals 23- Large Mammals 24- Mammals, primarily primates Tables and walls (Brown)25- Empty
26- Horse skull 27- Bird skulls 28- Sheep 29- Bird skulls 30- Terror bird skull 31- Asian Elephant 32- African Elephant 33- Bird skulls 34- Lobster 35- Empty 36- Porpoise 37- Empty 38- Human arm 39- Buffalo heads 40- Metacrinus 41-Python 42- Insect displays (Butterflies and stick insects) 43- Portuguese man O war 44- Manatee |